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TONY Montezuma's Gold FREE

"Tony: Montezuma's Gold" triumphs at the AMD Pixel Awards Europe 2024, winning first place in the Retro Roots category. 

Buy Online Box version

Tony - Atari XL/XE game (cartridge version)


Tony - Atari XL/XE game (cartridge plus pendrive version)


Tony - Atari XL/XE game (pendrive version)


First public release of the playable demo level of "Tony - Montezuma's Gold" is here 

I'm proud to present to you this game we've been making during last year. Think we've done a good job, and it all started by great design and gfx that Rafal created.
When I saw awesome monochrome pyramids, jungle and Indy like player character I just got to get involved :) After making a proof of concept bitmap soft sprite engine there was no real obstacles left, we just didn't knew how much time it will take.
Well, now the waiting is over, game engine is pretty robust, entire gameplay including title screen etc fit into single load, so the rest of levels will be much easier to produce.

Big thanks to Rafal Dudek, Michal Brzezicki, Maciej Malecki, Marcin Nowak, Jacek Malik, Bocianu and all the others whom I can't remember right now.

Please let me know if you find any serious bugs or issues with gameplay. Be gentle as it is the first version released ;)

And of course if anybody is interested about tech used, details about code, feel free to ask.


Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
AuthorsMonochrome Productions, popmilo
GenrePlatformer, Adventure
Tagsatari, atari-8bit, game, Pixel Art, Retro


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

tony FREE.car 512 kB

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Is this FREE version just a demo or the full game? Is there any way to turn on unlimited lives?

there will be an update in the evening, pressing HELP will give you an infinite number of lives


The game is beautifully atmospheric, plays well and is addictive. Well done!

I started playing yesterday and just finished it, but IMO to a large extent thanks to the game miraculously giving me infinite lives sometime in the middle of the gameplay. Is this intended? Could this depend on through which level I go to the catacombs level? I am not aware of anything special I did to it, and it happened twice to me already.

Besides of that, I also ran into the a glitch when I accidentally fell into a sort of infinite falling loop as per the linked video.

I've never encountered such "infinite lives bug" yet, but will try to reproduce it :)
Same goes for that falling down bug. Could be jump from one screen abouve that one on the video...

As far as I remember, this loop started as a mere unlucky jump from the platform to the left of Tony.

Probably :)
Problem with me testing the game is that I've passed each screen probably a hundred times, so I usually don't make mistakes, don't fall into holes, don't hit enemies most of the time... It's kinda hard to make yourself to die :)


Hi, I love this game, been playing it a lot via emulation. I have the 576 NUC from Michael St. Pierre, which doesn't have a cartridge port, and I'd like to enjoy the game on that machine. Is it possible to release an .atr or .xex version of the game? Big thanks to all involved in making this masterpiece!

I will make separate XEX files for each level, will let everyone know when I finish it.

Thank you for your attention!

Hi, I just found out about the colour version for C64, is there going to be a colour version for atari?

Well, not like the c64 version for sure :)
We could do something like A8 manic miner, but that would be limited I'm afraid.
Second option is to go full vbxe color version, that's still in discussion phase :)


I just read Atari 8 Bits For Ever's post on YouTube and came here. I also ordered the cartridge (waiting for shipping total). Congratulations! I will also buy here for support.


I highly advice to you atari lovers that buy this awesome game by Monochrome Productions team. It´s really a masterpiece game. Buy and enjoy it !

(3 edits)

To run first part of the game on A8PicoCart:

1. Split BIN file with: split -b 128K tony_cart.bin

2. Convert 1st file to CAR using converter by Robin Edwards

3. Select: SIC! 128 KB cartridge type

4. Copy CAR file to A8PicoCart

Thank you, everything works on A8PicoCart ;)

Hi. Sorry if it’s a stupid question but in order to run 2nd part can you explain?  Thanks. 

(3 edits)


great job


Awesome game - absolutely loving it on my 400 mini.  Well done to the developers and THANK YOU.  

It's very nice to hear that

Hi I am Atari 8 Bits for ever ! Could you share your game with me in order to publish and increase you sells sharing a game play mentioning Monochrome Production as the author as well. If you wish write at atariforever2020@gmail.com. Greetings and cheers for your awesome game.

Go! Tony Go! new update...

A ja znowu nie dostałem nowego pliku. A grę mam kupiona.

Tony Go! jest świetny, ale proponowałbym na wyższych prędkościach zmniejszyć naliczanie punktów (prędkość lub liczbę punktów) albo utrudnić grę i dawać życie co 20 albo 30 tysięcy punktów.

Ale ogólnie to jest świetna gierka i bardzo regrywalna. :)

ok, napisze do Vladymira programisy, zreszta on sugeruje by dac wiecej przeszkadzajek bo sa ludzie co robia takie wyniki ze czapka spada z glowy hehehehe

Witam jakie dane podać żeby dostać nowy plik. Oczywiście grę mam kupiona? 

sprawdz email, pozdrawiam

Thank you to everyone who purchases the game and pays extra. You are truly amazing!

I've bought this game (digital version) when it was released. Do I have to buy it again to have access to the mini game?

please log in to itch, go to your purchases, download for free game updates, in the .zip archive there is also the game Go! Tony Go!

Oh! there it is. Thanks a lot and kudos for the great work!

GO! Tony Go! Awesome :)

Witam mam kupiona grę ale nie mam dostępu do wersji cyfrowej. Mój mail to filipmat.fm11@gmail.com. Proszę o pomoc


Can I have a XEX file of the ful version? In the ZIP file there is only a CAR and BIN file, but I would like to play XEX on A8PicoCart. Is it possible?

Contact me personally please and I'll help you.
Find me on atariage or atarionline.pl forums, or write here again if you don't find me :)

Hi there! I also am looking for a XEX version for the A8PicoCart. I purchased the digital version for my Atari 800XL after playing the demo (awesome job!). Is it possible to get the XEX version? Thanks! 

Hmmm... Sorry, xex version not working right now... I've changed something during last couple bug fixes, so you'll have to wait till next bugfix and release. Please contact me personally so I can have your email or atariage username to send you files once they're ready. Thanks for playing the game!


Thanks for the update. You can contact me via Atari Age at besh27 or beshdevelopment@gmail.com. Currently when typing to run the file on the A8PicoCart, it gives gives me an "unsupported .car format" error". 

Message sent :)


I to się nazywa gra! Atari ma na co zasługuje! Dobra robota!

Is it possible to run the digital download version (512 KB car and bin files) on the Atari 400 Mini ?

Yes it is. Don't own it myself, but I've heard you just have to choose pal and atari XL or 130xe as configuration (instead of default atari400).

I can confirm now - the .car file from version 1.2 works on 400 mini. All is good :)

I'm glad it works! Thanks for letting us know !Enjoy the game :)

Mam takie (nie) głupie pytanie. Jak to uruchomić na The 400 Mini i na Atari 65XE? Ja jestem Commodorowcem i może jestem zbyt głupi i nie umiem włączać gier na dziwnych maszynach. Za odpowiedzi typu „normalnie" będę banować.

Próbowałem odpalić tę grę w wersji cyfrowej na Atari 65XE z rozszerzeniem pamięci RAM od Zaxona do 0,5 MB i na Sio2SD a także na kartridżu SIDE 3. Jako, że w paczce jest tylko obraz kartridża, który zajmuje 0,5 MB, po włączeniu gry Atari 65XE wywala się do Self Testu.

To samo jest z The 400 mini. Wybieram grę z pendrive'a, wybieram 128 kB RAM i gra się wywala do Self Testu. To samo jest z emulatorem Atari800. Jedynie Altirra bez problemu uruchamia tę grę. Nie dałoby się zrobić obrazu dyskietki tej gry, albo pliku z rozszerzeniem atr lub xex? 

Cbyba będę musiał poczekać aż przyjdzie mi fizyczna wersja gry na kartridżu od Retronics.

Mam ten sam problem :(

Wypróbuj najnowszy plik samochodu. Jeśli to nie zadziała, skontaktuj się ze mną.


Ściągnąłem sobie wersję 1.2 i wszystko śmiga. To już nieaktualne. :)


Z paczki z wersją 1.2 plik tony.car działa u mnie na Atari 400 mini. Plik tony_cart.bin - wywala się do self testu tak jak piszesz.


This looks really cool! Was it written in 6502 asm or C? Please contact me at sales@songbird-productions.com so we can discuss further, thanks!

Pure asm :)


Nice! I am also a 6502 asm developer. :) I am interested in doing a Lynx port. Please contact me on email or Twitter to discuss further. Thanks!

Can you enable infinite lives in full version of the game (v1.2) ? Space doesn't seem to work like in the demo.

"zzap" during gameplay to activate cheat for unlimited lives :P 

Great game and very responsible controls. It’s fun to play. I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New 8 bit Atari games, January to April 2024" video.

Thanks for making that video !
Get ready to make some more, full game is coming out next week :)

Awesome game!

(1 edit)

Awesome ! and pressing the spacebar you can change the monochrome color.

Brilliant! I love the graphics and the smooth animations!

Looks beautiful!