One of the best C64 games ever released! The art style looks very nice, the soundtrack is great and varied. The controls are spot on once you get used to them. And the game isn't too short either. If you want to make it from level 1 to 5 in one go, you have to practice for quite a while. I also drew maps of the levels, which was a lot of fun. I haven't beaten level 5 yet, but it's only a matter of time!
Shame, would be a good idea to add something like this for future games as it makes a cart purchase more worthwhile. Also helps when you can't find time to play the game for more than an hour in one sitting!
A really good platforming adventure, also in colour. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New C64 Games from December 2024" video along with other released C64 games.
Hey, I've been messing around with the new color version and I've found a few bugs, do you have a way to contact to send a vid (like email), or do you want me to just post the video here?
We took another look at the game in color and are very grateful for the bug fixes and useful improvements.We particularly liked the fact that you can choose between the old standards for the graphics and controls.On top of that, the game now looks a lot nicer with its high-resolution graphics.That's why we revised the rating again to the full score.You can watch our new review at 02:01:40. 🙂
Easy Flash 3 is not able to flash the CRT. Can I convert the crt somehow, or do I need some other hardware? (Bought the BW cartridge, but that is not writeable)
Hi, Easy flash is still not supported, the attached CRT file is in Magic desk format, it works with Ultimate1541 or Kung-fu flash. I have plans to convert to EF, but it still needs to come.
so you colorized it. sad to say, it does look worse than the monochrome version now, not sure this color version works. not a fan sorry. maybe a 5/10 from me. i didn't dig the previous version either, maybe it's just not for me.
Looks great in color. Good job.I'm reporting a bug, autojumping by holding the fire button doesn't work like in the B&W version.There is no autojump while standing still, when moving left, but it works when moving right.Will the B&W version no longer be available for download? Edit: from crouch (direction left/right diagonally down, auto jump works both ways Holding fire, moving left, center and the character keeps moving left without moving the joystick.
I read that this is a new scheme. "Control scheme unified with Atari and Amiga versions (FIRE must be released and pressed again to jump)."
Okay thank you I will take a look at this jumping stuff. Yes, I got request to turn off auto jumping, but it seems you found some edge conditions where it is still working.
B&W still can be choosen as a mode from colour menu in title screen. But yes, it is slightly different (unified with colour mode). I will consider to enable original B&W version again, with appropriate comment.
I am playing the game on a Mega65 with the C64 core.
It works properly using the disk images but not with the CRT image:
The game starts, I can select the options (joystick / graphics etc...) but when I select the play icon it displays the loading screen then switches to blank blue screen with light blue border and hangs.
This is strange, because if you get into the title screen, the Mega64 already managed to do multiload several times. The game uses MagicDesk CRT format, check in documentation of your hardware if this is properly handled.
I found a bug in the demo, after the start point you can jump off the screen to the right and your character will appear between platforms. I know this isn't really an important finding, but out of curiosity I checked to see if there might be something there according to the program and saw what would happen. :)
I just bought the game and I’m using VirtualC64 on macOS. I don’t know much about the Commodore C64. I loaded the first disk (Tone a.d64) and got a message saying, “Flip disk & hit fire.” I changed the file in the drive and pressed the space bar, but nothing happened (It's loading, but not change on screen).
Hello. First, try Vice on MacOS ( It supports CRT format as well which is much more convenient (and faster) to play with (and no disk flips are necessary). I don't personally use Apple hardware nor had any experience with VirtualC64 but it may be a matter of basically anything, for instance, whether the fastloader runs on that emulator. Try to disable fastloader on the very first menu visible when running disk version and continue. Beware, loading times without fastloader will be painfully slow.
Incredibly disappointing that after paying for this game to support its development that after hearing of reports of bugs, within minutes of playing level 1, it is impossible to jump out of this area.
I have been playing and I found a bug that seems not to be reported yet. In level 2 when I collect the keys needed to open the three doors of the first screen they don't open. I played in a real breadbin C64 with Kung Fu Flash (tested with the crt and d64 versions).
To finish level 2 I had to use the first key I found with the first door of this screen. When I came back with the two keys left the rest of the doors can be opened without problem.
That could be the item collection bug that I have fixed just recently. Let's check with version 2.1 which is right around the corner (should be out this week).
I will agree about the unintended "double jump" "feature". Also ducking unexpectedly off ladders too.
One "bug" I have found is that when you start level 5, go up the ladder, go right, you can then jump off the platform into the middle of the two doors and get stuck. Only way out is to suicide yourself.
Here are a few details about the bugs found that affect the current version 2.0.1 which has been tested with the built-in trainer for infinite lives. In the first level, there is apparently a point where you end up directly in level 4, instead of in another room as initially assumed (see 05:56:30 and 06:04:31 in our longplay video). Furthermore, at the end of level 3 there were two keys left that apparently had no use. In level 4, a key is "swallowed" by the game or simply swapped for the master key found in the 4th slot if you do not follow a specific order for using the keys and all slots are already occupied with keys (see 07:12:40). This means that a key is missing in the level, so you cannot open the last door before the main exit and thus cannot complete the level. If you have used the keys for some doors beforehand, the problem does not occur (see 07:30:54). In level 5, you can't pick up a key or a potion at a certain point, and then suddenly you can pick them up again after you've moved away a few rooms and then come back there (see 08:03:42). There are also a few rooms where you can get stuck in the wall. The controls are sometimes very frustrating, as you often do unwanted double jumps if you hold down the fire button for a little longer. 🙁
Hello, thank you for your review and bug reports. Quick answers: 1) Warp to level 4 is anticipated (similar warp is available from level 2)
2) It was indeed a problem with that level in demo, in full versions two missing doors were added thus number of keys is balanced. There is one room with extra jewels guarded with two doors. Opening these doors is not necessary to finish the level, maybe you missed that one?
3) Yes, mask can swallow the key thus preventing finishing the level. This is a smart inventory management that has been implemented in the game, as it is not possible to throw away items. I can reconsider this mask thing, however and include this in bug fix release.
4) Double jumps has been already pointed out and will be fixed in bug fix release. Other platforms didn't have this problem and simply nobody pointed that earlier. I myself learned not to keep fire pressed but agree, this is frustrating, esp. for somebody that switches from Atari to C64 version.
5) Oversimplified collision detection is a problem, I'm trying to mitigate this by fixing the map design (not to let Tony to jump into the wall).
Great game that stands out especially for its individual, high-resolution graphic style, even if it is only in one color. Unfortunately, some bugs and playability spoil the fun, see separate posting. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 00:53:21 and there is also a longplay at 05:47:37. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂
Would it be possible to have a mode with two SIDs where the first SID plays music and the second SID sound effects? Or does that create problems with lack of CPU time or would you run out of memory?
The only reason why FX cannot be mixed with music is that one of musicians was reluctant to do this. Dual SID would obviously do the trick however how many users have this set up (I mean on a real Hardware). I can think about it, however, in an update.
Well, I guess a lot more people than you may think have have a dual SID setup nowadays. I can think of:
People who did plunder a SID from another C64 to install a second SID in their C64.
1541 Ultimate II(+) owners have three SIDs in their C64. The original SID, and two addional SIDs provided by the 1541U2.
Ultimate64 owners have three eight SIDs in their C64 as well. Ultimate64 owners have up to eight SIDs in their C64.
Mega65 owners have two SIDs in their machine.
Turbo Chameleon owners have dual SID.
Quite a few people bought an ARMSID. And if it was an ARM2SID, they have two SIDs in their C64.
Owners of the FPGASID have two SIDs.
Some of these pieces of hardware sold quite well, for example the 1541U2 sold thousands and thousands. There I expect that a significant part of the user base nowadays has a dual SID solution.
Personally I both own a 1541U2 and an ARM2SID, that I have installed in my Commodore 128. I have quite a few C64s, that all have a single SID, so I may not always use a setup that is dual SID capable. However, for a game that does support dual SID, I will certainly grab my C128.
Amazing aestetic. Love the pixelated cartoon style graphics (But why use generative AI on the cover?). While the game looks sublime, I don't think the music fits the game, and it makes no room for sound effects. Nevertheless I applaud your achievement.
Fantastic game. I started playing it and was instantly hooked. I made it to the end (using infinite lives of course) and really enjoyed it. I did encounter a possible bug. I jumped and ended up inside a wall and couldn't move. But I could still jump, so I kept jumping until I encountered a tunnel and then everything worked normal again.
Sure, but keep in mind that my longplays are created with savestate support. My true skills are not as impressive as they appear in the video, but I can dissect any game in Vice Snapshots to find bugs. I can't even count on one hand the number of developers who have fixed bugs in their games after the release of my longplays.
No, not just you. When I said that I can't count the number on one hand, I meant that there are already more than 5 developers who have fixed bugs after watching the longplay of their respective games, or at least made minor changes to their games.
Excellent game. Already finished it, but only because I used the infinite lives option and also because while exploring the first level ended up finding the shortcut to level 4 which reduced the time it took me to finish it. It is a hard game that required good timing when avoiding traps and enemies. But still, an excellent game. Will be going back to it to explore all the parts I missed.
A few tiny niggles already. Startup resetting the VIC-II and displaying version number means that the default colours for border and backround are set. Better keep as black to prevent the blue flash.
In game holding F1 to cycle the colours causes the screen to glitch as $DC01 is not checked against being equal to the previous value before changing colour.
Yellow screen means that the score is not visible.
You should pad the CRT (ie unused space) with $FF and not $00.
Very good game and great music. This is something to look forward to. The full version didn't make it to this May video, but in the video I mentioned that soon you can buy the full version. You can watch my new video "Gameplay of New C64 Games from May 2024" at this link.
← Return to game
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One of the best C64 games ever released! The art style looks very nice, the soundtrack is great and varied. The controls are spot on once you get used to them. And the game isn't too short either. If you want to make it from level 1 to 5 in one go, you have to practice for quite a while. I also drew maps of the levels, which was a lot of fun. I haven't beaten level 5 yet, but it's only a matter of time!
thank you
these are nice words, our work has been appreciated and this is the most important thing for us
Interesting, played the demo a while back and now it is time for the full game :)
I just wanted to add that the music is fantastic !
Can you save the game on the limited edition gold cartridge version ?
No, sadly save game function is not available on any version.
Shame, would be a good idea to add something like this for future games as it makes a cart purchase more worthwhile. Also helps when you can't find time to play the game for more than an hour in one sitting!
A really good platforming adventure, also in colour. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New C64 Games from December 2024" video along with other released C64 games.
I really enjoyed the game and did some speedruns of it. Thanks for making a fun game.
Hey, I've been messing around with the new color version and I've found a few bugs, do you have a way to contact to send a vid (like email), or do you want me to just post the video here?
We took another look at the game in color and are very grateful for the bug fixes and useful improvements. We particularly liked the fact that you can choose between the old standards for the graphics and controls. On top of that, the game now looks a lot nicer with its high-resolution graphics. That's why we revised the rating again to the full score. You can watch our new review at 02:01:40. 🙂
Very cool update! Here's my longplay of the colour version.
As usual, a wonderful longplay. Thank you, VIPER!
Easy Flash 3 is not able to flash the CRT. Can I convert the crt somehow, or do I need some other hardware? (Bought the BW cartridge, but that is not writeable)
Lovely color update!
Hi, Easy flash is still not supported, the attached CRT file is in Magic desk format, it works with Ultimate1541 or Kung-fu flash. I have plans to convert to EF, but it still needs to come.
Purchased the digi download, will start exploring today. Thank you for the great game and never mind the bollocks :)
so you colorized it. sad to say, it does look worse than the monochrome version now, not sure this color version works. not a fan sorry. maybe a 5/10 from me. i didn't dig the previous version either, maybe it's just not for me.
I guess it's super hard to hit 100% favorable scores. Therefore we have left monochrome as an option, to get at least "average".
that's ok.
this is really cool but why is the thumbnail AI? you guys clearly have artists and a game to show off.
I was coming to ask the same thing. They clearly had the ability to hire a cover artist but used the plagiarism machine instead.
Except for the multicolor title picture (looks converted and not natively made for the C64), the new graphics look simply amazing! You guys rock!
Multicolour splash screen is indeed taken from classic monochrome version "as-is", as well as multicolour skulls. It was definitely not made for C64.
Bought the Atari b/w version and now the colour C64 one. Best wishes to Ada.
Looks great in color. Good job.I'm reporting a bug, autojumping by holding the fire button doesn't work like in the B&W version.There is no autojump while standing still, when moving left,
but it works when moving right.Will the B&W version no longer be available for download?
from crouch (direction left/right diagonally down, auto jump works both ways
Holding fire, moving left, center and the character keeps moving left without moving the joystick.
I read that this is a new scheme.
"Control scheme unified with Atari and Amiga versions (FIRE must be released and pressed again to jump)."
Okay thank you I will take a look at this jumping stuff. Yes, I got request to turn off auto jumping, but it seems you found some edge conditions where it is still working.
B&W still can be choosen as a mode from colour menu in title screen. But yes, it is slightly different (unified with colour mode). I will consider to enable original B&W version again, with appropriate comment.
I will make a small patch release around weekend, this problem in jumping is fixed.
I am playing the game on a Mega65 with the C64 core.
It works properly using the disk images but not with the CRT image:
The game starts, I can select the options (joystick / graphics etc...) but when I select the play icon it displays the loading screen then switches to blank blue screen with light blue border and hangs.
This is strange, because if you get into the title screen, the Mega64 already managed to do multiload several times. The game uses MagicDesk CRT format, check in documentation of your hardware if this is properly handled.
I found a bug in the demo, after the start point you can jump off the screen to the right and your character will appear between platforms. I know this isn't really an important finding, but out of curiosity I checked to see if there might be something there according to the program and saw what would happen. :)
Yep, this should not occur in final release as these illegal paths has been closed.
Great Work , Keep it Up!
Such a beautiful game now with all the colors!
I purchased the black and white version back when it released, do I not have access to the color version?
Colour version will be released today in the evening.
Hello dear friend, how long is the
🎮 ? Thanks!
What do you mean? Game consists of 5 levels and 145 rooms in total.
I just bought the game and I’m using VirtualC64 on macOS. I don’t know much about the Commodore C64. I loaded the first disk (Tone a.d64) and got a message saying, “Flip disk & hit fire.” I changed the file in the drive and pressed the space bar, but nothing happened (It's loading, but not change on screen).
Can anyone help, please?
EDIT: one .prg file can be a great idea? :)
Hello. First, try Vice on MacOS ( It supports CRT format as well which is much more convenient (and faster) to play with (and no disk flips are necessary). I don't personally use Apple hardware nor had any experience with VirtualC64 but it may be a matter of basically anything, for instance, whether the fastloader runs on that emulator. Try to disable fastloader on the very first menu visible when running disk version and continue. Beware, loading times without fastloader will be painfully slow.
Sadly the game wont fit single PRG
Thought that was fixed, as I reported you can do similar on level 5. There has just been a new version uploaded, so try that.
It will be fixed in 2.1; coming soon
Nice game with great graphics and music.
I have been playing and I found a bug that seems not to be reported yet. In level 2 when I collect the keys needed to open the three doors of the first screen they don't open. I played in a real breadbin C64 with Kung Fu Flash (tested with the crt and d64 versions).
To finish level 2 I had to use the first key I found with the first door of this screen. When I came back with the two keys left the rest of the doors can be opened without problem.
That could be the item collection bug that I have fixed just recently. Let's check with version 2.1 which is right around the corner (should be out this week).
Hi again. I have tested with version 2.1 and it keeps happening. The bug is not solved yet. I could record a video if you need it to fix the problem.
Nice final release !
I will agree about the unintended "double jump" "feature". Also ducking unexpectedly off ladders too.
One "bug" I have found is that when you start level 5, go up the ladder, go right, you can then jump off the platform into the middle of the two doors and get stuck. Only way out is to suicide yourself.
Ducking off ladders, agree. Double door - funny bug, will be fixed too
Have you thought about making Commander X16 version?
Well, honestly... yes. Stay tuned!
Sweet! I have my CX16 on the way! Can't wait!!!
Moja ulubiona wersja! :D
Here are a few details about the bugs found that affect the current version 2.0.1 which has been tested with the built-in trainer for infinite lives. In the first level, there is apparently a point where you end up directly in level 4, instead of in another room as initially assumed (see 05:56:30 and 06:04:31 in our longplay video). Furthermore, at the end of level 3 there were two keys left that apparently had no use. In level 4, a key is "swallowed" by the game or simply swapped for the master key found in the 4th slot if you do not follow a specific order for using the keys and all slots are already occupied with keys (see 07:12:40). This means that a key is missing in the level, so you cannot open the last door before the main exit and thus cannot complete the level. If you have used the keys for some doors beforehand, the problem does not occur (see 07:30:54). In level 5, you can't pick up a key or a potion at a certain point, and then suddenly you can pick them up again after you've moved away a few rooms and then come back there (see 08:03:42). There are also a few rooms where you can get stuck in the wall. The controls are sometimes very frustrating, as you often do unwanted double jumps if you hold down the fire button for a little longer. 🙁
Hello, thank you for your review and bug reports. Quick answers:
1) Warp to level 4 is anticipated (similar warp is available from level 2)
2) It was indeed a problem with that level in demo, in full versions two missing doors were added thus number of keys is balanced. There is one room with extra jewels guarded with two doors. Opening these doors is not necessary to finish the level, maybe you missed that one?
3) Yes, mask can swallow the key thus preventing finishing the level. This is a smart inventory management that has been implemented in the game, as it is not possible to throw away items. I can reconsider this mask thing, however and include this in bug fix release.
4) Double jumps has been already pointed out and will be fixed in bug fix release. Other platforms didn't have this problem and simply nobody pointed that earlier. I myself learned not to keep fire pressed but agree, this is frustrating, esp. for somebody that switches from Atari to C64 version.
5) Oversimplified collision detection is a problem, I'm trying to mitigate this by fixing the map design (not to let Tony to jump into the wall).
problem 3), 4) and 5) will be fixed in upcoming 2.1 release
Great game that stands out especially for its individual, high-resolution graphic style, even if it is only in one color. Unfortunately, some bugs and playability spoil the fun, see separate posting. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 00:53:21 and there is also a longplay at 05:47:37. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂
Would it be possible to have a mode with two SIDs where the first SID plays music and the second SID sound effects? Or does that create problems with lack of CPU time or would you run out of memory?
That's wild, I came looking for info here about that very same possibility. xD Dual sid support would be awesome.
The only reason why FX cannot be mixed with music is that one of musicians was reluctant to do this. Dual SID would obviously do the trick however how many users have this set up (I mean on a real Hardware). I can think about it, however, in an update.
Well, I guess a lot more people than you may think have have a dual SID setup nowadays. I can think of:
Ultimate64 owners have three eight SIDs in their C64 as well. Ultimate64 owners have up to eight SIDs in their C64.Some of these pieces of hardware sold quite well, for example the 1541U2 sold thousands and thousands. There I expect that a significant part of the user base nowadays has a dual SID solution.
Personally I both own a 1541U2 and an ARM2SID, that I have installed in my Commodore 128. I have quite a few C64s, that all have a single SID, so I may not always use a setup that is dual SID capable. However, for a game that does support dual SID, I will certainly grab my C128.
Amazing aestetic. Love the pixelated cartoon style graphics (But why use generative AI on the cover?). While the game looks sublime, I don't think the music fits the game, and it makes no room for sound effects. Nevertheless I applaud your achievement.
Why generative AI?
Looking closely at the cover, you can really tell it's ai. Put me off of this game unfortunately
Fantastic game. I started playing it and was instantly hooked. I made it to the end (using infinite lives of course) and really enjoyed it. I did encounter a possible bug. I jumped and ended up inside a wall and couldn't move. But I could still jump, so I kept jumping until I encountered a tunnel and then everything worked normal again.
Pls post a screenshot or tell which level / room is it. We will correct this and provide an update.
Breathtaking game; and the jump in the longplay at 19:30 was nuts. Enjoy!
I'm watching your video and I'm shocked at how well you play... Would you like to be our tester for Tony 2 :D
Sure, but keep in mind that my longplays are created with savestate support. My true skills are not as impressive as they appear in the video, but I can dissect any game in Vice Snapshots to find bugs. I can't even count on one hand the number of developers who have fixed bugs in their games after the release of my longplays.
Probably just me! 😁
No, not just you. When I said that I can't count the number on one hand, I meant that there are already more than 5 developers who have fixed bugs after watching the longplay of their respective games, or at least made minor changes to their games.
Excellent game. Already finished it, but only because I used the infinite lives option and also because while exploring the first level ended up finding the shortcut to level 4 which reduced the time it took me to finish it. It is a hard game that required good timing when avoiding traps and enemies. But still, an excellent game. Will be going back to it to explore all the parts I missed.
A few tiny niggles already. Startup resetting the VIC-II and displaying version number means that the default colours for border and backround are set. Better keep as black to prevent the blue flash.
In game holding F1 to cycle the colours causes the screen to glitch as $DC01 is not checked against being equal to the previous value before changing colour.
Yellow screen means that the score is not visible.
You should pad the CRT (ie unused space) with $FF and not $00.
Interesting! I will try to address it in 2.1
I think with yellow it was like this in demo as well. So no leading zero'es are visible. There's a missing shade for yellow in VIC-II ;-)
Ah, yeah makes sense. No light yellow 🤣
But its just leading zeros. Points are displayed normally.
The blue flash is on the cartridge image startup
Try to solve it like this POKE 18707, 7

Very good game and great music. This is something to look forward to. The full version didn't make it to this May video, but in the video I mentioned that soon you can buy the full version. You can watch my new video "Gameplay of New C64 Games from May 2024" at this link.
Great playable Demo. A friend of mine played it: